Aprilia’s Bold Move: Securing Martin’s Loyalty and Talent from Ducati

Aprilia's Bold Move: Securing Martin's Loyalty and Talent from Ducati

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Aprilia swooped quickly for Jorge Martin when it became clear that Marc Marquez was getting factory promotion at Ducati

Aprilia swiftly announced Jorge Martin’s signing after the news of Marc Marquez’s Ducati seat broke, suggesting Martin may have quickly turned to Aprilia after being rejected by Ducati. Massimo Rivola confirmed the last-minute signing, revealing that the deal was finalized just 20 minutes before the announcement, highlighting their quick decision-making process. Aprilia’s strategy to not make the first move paid off, securing Martin as Aleix Espargaro’s replacement. Rivola emphasized the importance of acting swiftly in the fast-paced MotoGP market, showcasing Aprilia’s ability to make quick and decisive moves. The decision to sign Martin over Marquez was fueled by Aprilia’s consistent growth and determination to succeed in the competition. Rivola credited Espargaro for helping attract Martin and emphasized the team’s focus on continuous improvement in the MotoGP championship.

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